Focus Ireland (2018): Latest Figures on Homelessness in Ireland
According to the Central Statistics Office 2016 -
16.5% of the Irish population are at risk of Poverty and Deprivation.
Focus Ireland (2018) states that there has been an increase by 17% of homeless families since October 2017.
More than 1 & 3 people in emergency accommodation is a child. They point out that while the Government has introduced a policy to tackle homelessness, the growing number of people becoming homeless shows that they are inadequate. The decision to cut social housing spending by 72% between 2008 and 2012 (€1.38bn to €390m), however rent supplement levels, rising rents and reduced welfare rates for under 25's has not been tackled.
Focus Ireland (2018) argue that the root cause of the homeless crisis in Ireland is the broken housing system. Ireland does not have a public housing system to meet the needs of the society. Provision of affordable public housing must form a key part of any countries housing system.
It acts as a safety net for families and individuals pushed out of the private rental market due to the high cost of renting or lack of housing. In the last decade the lack of social housing provision combined with private house building, grinding to a half has meant more people than ever are renting their homes. Almost 1 in 5 households now live in a privately rented home compared to 1 in 10 ten years ago. This has led to enormous pressure on the private rental market which has resulted in constantly rising rent levels and a lack of properties to rent.